Microblade FAQs

How long will results last?
Results will last up to two years if after-care instructions are followed carefully and if a touch-up is done about six weeks after the initial procedure. Some lifestyle and personal factors will play a role in how long your results last. These include such things as how much you sweat or swim and skin type.

What do I need to do to prepare?
Download our Microblade Prep Guide for details.

Will I bleed?
Occasionally there is slight bleeding which usually subsides by the time the procedure is complete. The chance of bleeding is greatly reduced by avoiding caffeine, alcohol and any vitamins or medication that may thin the blood.

Does it hurt?
Many people experience some discomfort during the process. Some clients compare the pain level to that of tweezing a single brow. Numbing cream is administered throughout to keep you as comfortable as possible. There may be some soreness for a couple of days following, which is relieved by over the counter pain relievers.

How long does the healing process take and what is involved?
It takes 14 days for most people to fully heal. During this time, there may be flaking, redness or soreness which subsides over time. Ointment should be applied 3x daily to promote hydrated healing and reduce symptoms. Swimming, saunas, steam rooms and sweat-inducing exercise should be avoided for these 14 days. Topical creams, medications, cleansers and makeup should not be applied to the brow area during this time. Download our Microblade Healing Guide for details.